Casino Self Exclusion

Online gambling in Michigan is just a little more than a month old, and already residents have another way to protect themselves from themselves.

Applications are available now for the Responsible Gambling Database, a self-exclusion tool for online sportsbooks and casinos.

P (602) 771-4263. F (602) 255-3883. Phoenix, AZ 85007. Self-exclusion is a process when you can ask a gambling business to exclude you from gambling with them for a set length of time – usually between six months and five years. This means you will be refused service in the venues and on the sites you have excluded from. By law, this must be provided as an option by gambling businesses in the UK.

As of Monday afternoon, no residents had applied yet for the list, according to the Michigan Gaming Control Board. Online sports betting and internet gaming launched in Michigan on Jan. 22.

How to apply for the Responsible Gambling list in Michigan

The new MGCB database gives applicants options. They can submit separate applications for online sportsbooks and online casinos, or self-exclude from both. Residents can apply before or after opening any online accounts.

Self-exclusion periods can last one year or five years. After the period expires, the applicant rolls off the list, MGCB spokesperson Mary Kay Bean told PlayMichigan.

Applicants will not be placed on this list until processing is completed by Richard Kalm, the MGCB executive director. The registration process can take up to 45 days. Applicants will be notified by email (if provided) or US mail when they have been added to the list.

Those on the Exclusion of Persons List are automatically added to the Responsible Gambling Database, as well.

According to the MGCB website:

The Exclusion List contains the names of people convicted of certain crimes in any jurisdiction and those placed on any other jurisdiction’s Exclusion List. These individuals may not enter a casino unless ordered by a court or after a hearing granting permission by the Michigan Gaming Control Board.

New self-exclusion list applies only to online gambling sites

The Responsible Gambling Database is separate from the Disassociated Persons List, which applies to the three Detroit casinos. Because of a recent change, you can now apply to come off that list after five years.

However, residents on the DPL are not automatically placed in the Responsible Gambling Database.

Also of note, the MGCB outlines in the form that operators could take the self-exclusion ban further than the applicant intended. For instance, an operator such as DraftKings Sportsbook could ban the applicant from retail casinos in Michigan and other jurisdictions, too.

Casino Self Exclusion Online

The agreement states:

I understand internet gaming operators and internet gaming platform providers and/or sports betting operators and internet sports betting platform providers may prohibit me, as a voluntarily-excluded person in the Responsible Gaming Database, from engaging in other forms of gaming authorized by law in this state or in other jurisdictions. This could include, but is not limited to, being banned from their casino properties worldwide for the length of my placement in the Responsible Gaming Database. I understand the Michigan Gaming Control Board is not responsible for keeping me informed of decisions such as these by internet gaming operators and internet gaming platform providers and/or sports betting operators and internet sports betting platform providers.


Other self-exclusion options for Michigan residents

Other tools, such as limits placed on your account per a certain time period, are available with different operators.

Residents can also sign up to be excluded from a single online gambling site.

BetMGM, for instance, has a self-exclusion tool called PlayPause through a partnership with Conscious Gaming. One of the ways PlayPause helps is by not allowing players to cross into Indiana, for instance, to use BetMGM products.

Online operators are required to display the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Gambling Disorder Help-line on their sites. That number is 800-270-7117.

Apps in MI also include a “responsible gambling” section or tab that helps users set deposit, wagering, and time limits. FanDuel Sportsbook’sresponsible gambling section states:

We’re committed to providing you resources and support to have responsible fun, so we’ve made it easy for you to set custom limits on how much money you deposit or wager and time you spend on the app or site. You can also take a Timeout for a short period of time or close your account permanently.

Ultimately, Michigan hopes to give online gamblers plenty of ways to opt-out of playing and encourage gambling responsibly.

The gambling problemor problem gambling, as it is officially called, is a plague in theUnited States. Statistics from Skywood recovery shows that more than10 million Americans are addicted to gambling. Since most casinoowners are only concerned with milking everyone who walks into theirbuilding self-exclusion laws were put in place to help addressproblem gambling. It is a term used to describe a policy that isenacted by governments or casinos to lawfully prevent someindividuals from gambling. If your name appears on the self-exclusionlist, casinos will not allow you to gamble within that region. If thelist is issued by a casino, you may only be restricted to gambling inthat particular casino. On the other hand, if the state adds yourname to their self-exclusion list, you will not be allowed to gamblein any casino in the state. You can also decide to voluntarily addyour name to a self-exclusion list if you’re struggling with gamblingand you need help controlling yourself.

Self-exclusionapplications can be sent to the regulators in the state by problemgamblers. If the application is accepted, you will be banned fromusing the casino for a given period. If you try to gamble in anycasino within the self-exclusion coverage, you can be arrested fortrespassing. If you succeed in sneaking into a casino that is part ofthe self-exclusion program and you get caught after winning, yourwinnings can be confiscated by the casino. You’ll be sent home withabsolutely nothing. The good thing with self-exclusion is that theapplication must be filed voluntarily by the person who wants to beexcluded. Family members and friends cannot apply for their lovedones who may have a gambling problem.

Can I ReverseSelf-Exclusion?

When you’re applyingfor self-exclusion, you’ll need to fill the duration of exclusion. Itcan be as little as 6 months or as much as 10 years. You can evendecide to be added to the list for the rest of your natural life.After your application is approved, you cannot reverse it. You mustwait until the duration passes before you can change your status.When the specified duration is complete, you’ll have the option toeither reverse your self-exclusion or extend it. If anyone couldreverse self-exclusion whenever they want, the purpose would bedefeated. Compulsive gamblers will reverse self-exclusion wheneverthey want with impunity.

The choice you make after the self-exclusion expires should depend on your level of commitment and the progress you’ve made during the exclusion program. If you have more control over your gambling addiction and you no longer feel an urge to gamble with everything you own, you can reverse self-exclusion after it expires. Just like other forms of addiction, gambling addiction isn’t something you can fix overnight. There is a strong chance that allowing yourself to gamble, even a little, will take you down a dark path, and all your previous effort would have been for nothing. So, we recommend that you leave your name on the self-exclusion list indefinitely.


Which CountriesOffer Self-exclusion

Most major casinos in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa, and Canada join the state-approved self-exclusion program. Many other countries across the world offer self-exclusion programs and online self-exclusion programs are also available. Since people who are legally banned from visiting casinos can simply gamble online, online self-exclusion programs have been put in place to help them avoid the urge to gamble for the duration of their self-exclusion. The rules governing self-exclusion in different parts of the world and online may be different but the goal is the same; solving problem gambling. In some other countries, no self-exclusion laws are available and problem gamblers are allowed to gamble until they have nothing left.

How Effective isSelf-exclusion in Solving Problem Gambling

Havingself-exclusion laws in place is one thing but the effectiveness ofthese laws in curbing problem gambling is something entirelydifferent. For starters, casinos only join these programs as a formof public relations that is meant to help solve problem gambling.They don’t care about helping problem gamblers but they are onlytrying to shift everyone’s attention from their problematic industry,products, and services. Even when the casino is genuinely interestedin helping problem gamblers, there is still the problem ofself-enforcement. As stated above, people have to willingly join theself-exclusion list and they have to enforce it themselves. It takesa lot of self-control and problem gamblers to have problems withself-control. As long as the problem gambler doesn’t takeresponsibility for their problem, the self-exclusion programs willnot help them.

Withoutself-control, gamblers in self-exclusion programs find a way tocircumvent the system and gamble. Not every casino in a state will bepart of the self-exclusion program. Illegal casinos are never part ofthe program. Compulsive gamblers go to these illegal casinos to gettheir fix. Things are even worse with online self-exclusion programs.Studies have shown that a significant percentage of those who joinonline self-exclusion programs don’t follow through. Over eightythousand out of every 1 million people in self-exclusion programsfind a way to breach it.

If self-exclusion isto work well, it needs to be more aggressive. Traditional methodsaren’t going to cut it. Things shouldn’t be left in the hands of theproblem gamblers. Gambling operators need to do more to help peoplewith gambling addiction by taking moral responsibility and engagingin more effective harm-reduction practices. They should try harder topromote safe play. At the surface, problem gambling might seembeneficial to casino operators. However, an increase in problemgambling is going to lead to an increase in scrutiny of the alreadycontroversial industry. So, casino operators will benefit from takingpreemptive measures against problem gambling in the long run.


Instead of simplyadding names to self-exclusion lists, casino operators need to domore to ensure that the problem gamblers don’t circumvent the system.Without money, a person can’t gamble. While self-exclusion programscannot stop people from using their money, they can partner withbanks and other financial institutions. Anyone whose name is in theself-exclusion program should not be allowed to make deposits onlineor in land-based casinos with their debit or credit cards. Someself-exclusion programs are already taking this step. The device of aproblem gambler can also be blocked from visiting gambling websites.This can be done easily through their IP addresses. This method workswell when the self-exclusion program is comprehensive and it covers awide range of casinos rather than just a few.

Casino Self Exclusion Form

Blocking IPaddresses, and restricting access to money are great ways to enforceself-exclusion programs but it is still important to educate problemgamblers. These people need encouragement from their loved ones aswell. They should be encouraged to seek professional help as well.The more moral support they get daily, the more willing they will beto stick to the self-exclusion program for the duration. A combinedeffort of states, casino operators, and other nonprofit organizationsthat offer help to problem gamblers will go a long way.


Casino Self Exclusion Form

Over the years,gambling addiction has ruined the lives of many problem gamblers. Itdoesn’t just put them in debt, it has also ruined familyrelationships and friendships. Some people have been driven tosuicide after losing everything they have to gambling addiction.These hardships can be prevented with determination.

People who join self-exclusion programs don’t do it for fancy. They join the programs after they realize that they have a gambling problem. It is one of the things they do to help themselves break the addiction. If you notice that you gamble compulsively, can’t stay for one day without gambling, gamble with everything you have, or even go into debt because of gambling, joining a self-exclusion program might be a good idea. It doesn’t offer any guarantee that your problem will be solved instantly but it’s a step in the right direction.