Counting Cards Explained

  1. Card Counting System
  2. Counting Cards Explained
  3. Counting Cards Explained Words

Explained: Why Aitor Karanka started counting his cash in Birmingham City press conference. But Karanka is keeping his cards closer to his chest than his cash. Learn basic blackjack strategy. This is the single most important thing you need to do.

The counting cards betting system can be used whilst playing blackjack or poker. It is generally believed that this system can’t be applied to any other casino game. Is this assumption true? Guess you have to read to find out.

Counting card betting system appears simple. It can only be simple if the dealer shuffles the card only once. Does shuffling affect the outcome of your result? Maybe!

This guide is formulated to help you win your games in flying colours. We shall be looking at the various rules, advantages and disadvantages, and so on.

How do the cards counting work?

Card counting is a betting strategy used mainly while playing card games like the popular blackjack. If you are good at it, you will gain an advantage over the shuffler and other players on the table.

Most experts have won millions using these card counting techniques. Let’s take a look at how to apply this technique.

Rule one – select a value to every card in deck

Allocate a value to all your cards. This is the first step every good counting cards expert takes. Hi-Lo is a popular card counting system and the values are as follows;

  • 2-6 = +1
  • 7-9 = 0
  • 10-Ace= -1

As each card is dealt, the counter is expected to add 1 or subtract 1 or take no action at all.

Rule two – Keep a running count

Apply the running count strategy. Here you are expected to keep a running count by simply adding or subtracting any card. You are supposed to do this for any card that leaves the shoe.

This should be done card after card and every round until the card is shuffled by the dealer. As the running count increases, the player will have more advantage. On the other hand, if it reduces, the house advantage will increase.

Rule three – Calculate a true count

Always calculate a true count. Most casinos have realized that card counters take advantage of single decks. To eliminate this advantage, casinos are making use of multiple decks.

To apply the running count technique on a multiple deck game, we decided to come up with the “True count” technique. For example, if you have more than 5 running counts with 6 decks left, it’s entirely different from a 5 running with just a deck left.

From the first illustration, the extra high card on each deck will be less than 1. This means that the dealer has the advantage at this point. What should be of interest to the player are the concentrations in pari passu with the low cards.

So assuming you have the running count of 5 with just one deck left, then it means that there are 5 additional 10’s and aces in the 52 cards left. This simply will put you at advantage.

Assuming your running count is 10 and 5 decks are left, the True count is 2. That is 10 divided by 5. On the other hand, if your running count is -7 and 2 decks are left, your True count will be-3, i.e. -7 divided by 2.

Rule four – Do not hesitate to increase your bet

When the true count rises, change your bet. This is also applicable when the true count falls.

The running count and a true count will help you know when you are at an advantage.

As soon as you have the advantage, don’t hesitate to increase your bet.

Does counting cards system work?

This strategy is a very popular technique used by poker and blackjack players.

There is a lot of misconception about this strategy that has to be cleared. The biggest of them is the aforementioned question above.

The counting cards system has to do with keeping a mental record of the cards that are played while the game is on. To win using this strategy, you must have a sharp memory.

Even though a lot of players shy away from this technique because of various reasons, it works when you master it.

Counting cards history

Edward O. Thorp is considered by experts as the father of card counting. He is an American mathematician. In 1962, he published a book called Beat the Dealer where he put together several strategies.

Although before Edward his book, other professional card counters have already been using various counting cards strategies before Edward developed his techniques. Some of Edwards’s card counting techniques will also be discussed here.


Every blackjack or poker player will love to know the cards that the dealer has. This will automatically put on an edge over the casino. Nevertheless, blackjack card counting appears very easy in theory.


They are various theories on the internet about how easy it is to count cards and so on. The simple truth is that counting cards are not easy. Don’t you know that the dealers are also trained? Most of the dealers were professional players.

They also read about these tips and strategy. Remember the casino is not in business to lose.

Lest we forget, card counting in some countries is prohibited. Always check their poker or blackjack rules and regulations for more insight.

Frequently asked questions

Is counting cards illegal?

Beginners always ask this question. No one wants to get into trouble with the law. Card counting is not cheating in most countries. You are keeping a mental record of the cards that have been played and including those with the dealer. It simply involves brain work. You can check out the casino rules if card counting is prohibited.

Is it possible to win always using a counting card strategy?

Yes, it is. Remember this strategy involves a lot of brainwork. Studies have shown that those who perfect this strategy often have high IQ. However, you can perfect this strategy if you practice always.

How much advantage will a counter have over the casino?

The first thing you must note about this strategy is that it doesn’t give players up to 20 per cent over the house. The most a very good card counter may likely get is between 2 to 5 per cent advantage over the house. You can win a lot after perfecting this strategy.



Card counting is easily the best known but least understood gambling strategy. You can thank popular films like Rain Man, 21, and The Last Casino for making blackjack card counting a household name. Although it’s fairly easy to learn how to count cards, you’ll quickly discover that this strategy has limitations. While card counting can reduce or eliminate the house edge it isn’t fool proof. Perhaps of greater concern, casinos do their best to deter players from counting cards. Still it’s worth taking the time to understand how card counting works whether you plan on using it or not. Keep reading as we spell out everything you need to know.

The Roots of Card Counting

Card counting first gained international attention in 1962 when a mathematician by the name of Edward O. Thorp released the book Beat the Dealer. Even though this book is beyond out of date, it popularized the whole idea of card counting. As players started putting this primitive system into action, casinos devised methods to curb card counting, including changing the way cards are dealt and shuffled. At the same time, gamblers have devised new card counting strategies. In many ways, the cat and mouse blackjack game continues to this day.

Contrary to popular belief, card counting doesn’t require a photographic memory. Instead, it utilises a simple formula that helps you gauge the ratio of low and high cards remaining in the deck. With this valuable information at your disposal, you can adjust your bets accordingly.

Getting Started with Card Counting

Before you can even begin to think about counting cards, you need to do two things. First, you must fully understand the rules of blackjack. If you haven’t learnt the basics yet, card counting will be beyond your level of comprehension. Second, you’ll want to master blackjack strategy. This is easier than it sounds since all you have to do is refer to a chart that will tell you whether to hit, stand, double down, or split in every situation. When you play according to optimal blackjack strategy, you’ll be able to keep the house edge to a minimum even before you think about counting cards. Fortunately, we’ve created a separate blackjack strategy and game guide that covers both of these topics.

Although there are many different ways to count cards, this guide will teach you how to use the hi-lo card counting system, which is by far the most common. You’ll also see how easy it is to learn.


Assigning Values to the Cards

The first step in card counting is to assign values to every card.

  • Cards between 2 and 6 are assigned a value of 1.
  • 7, 8, and 9 are worth 0.
  • 10, jack, queen, king, and ace are valued at -1.

If you’re wondering why seemingly coveted high cards are assigned a negative value and low cards are given a positive value, the answer is fairly simple. The running count, which we will discuss next, reveals the quality of the unseen cards in the deck. The cards you count are no longer in the deck, which means every time you see an ace or face card the deck becomes less favourable and your advantage as a player is reduced.

Keeping a Running Count

As the croupier deals cards, you’ll need to start keeping score. You’ll want to keep tabs on not only the cards you and the dealer receive, but also the cards of other players at your table. You might find that it takes you some time to get up to speed, but many of the cards will cancel each other out. For example, if you land a 6 and ace then the value is 0. If the dealer ends up with a king, eight, and 5, the value would be 0. If your tablemate lands a king, 6, 4, the total would be 1. The running count is nothing more than the running count of all the cards you see.

Calculating the True Count

Have you ever wondered why casinos use multiple decks of cards? You can thank card counters for that. Casinos are in the business of making money and the last thing they want is for card counters to eat into their profits. Fortunately, card counters aren’t down for the count. There’s a simple method you can use to overcome the barriers casinos have put up to derail card counting. Just calculate the true count by dividing the running count by the number of decks remaining.

For example, if your running count is -6 and there are 3 decks remaining, the true count would be -2. As the true count rises, your advantage as a player rises as well. Likewise, negative true counts put you at a relative disadvantage.

Placing Your Bets

Once you know the true count, all you have to do is raise your bets as the number rises and reduce your bets as it falls. Think of it this way. The true count reveals the relative house edge. At zero, the house has its standard advantage. When the number is negative, the house has a larger edge. When the house edge is positive, you have the advantage.

Unlike most betting systems that are advertised online, card counting can give you a statistical edge when playing blackjack.

1 Make sure you play blackjack using the optimal strategy.

2 Assign a value to each card you see.

3 Maintain a running count of the totals.

4 Divide the running count by the number of decks remaining to get the true count.

5 Raise your bets as the true count rises and lower your bets as it falls.

  • Card counting is perfectly legal but casinos will do their best to stop you from using this strategy.
  • Always act natural and try to be as inconspicuous as possible when counting cards.
  • It’s important to master the rules of blackjack as well as optimal strategy before attempting to count cards.
  • Even though card counting can reduce or eliminate the house edge it isn’t fool proof.
  • You will need to place some bets even when the casino has the advantage, otherwise you run the risk of exposing yourself as a card counter.
  • It’s impossible to count cards when you play blackjack on the internet.

Frequently Asked Questions About Blackjack Card Counting

How does card counting work?

Card counting is a blackjack strategy used by players to reduce the house edge. As the name suggests, players count or keep a running total of all the high and low cards that have been dealt. Although there a few different card counting systems, players generally assign a positive, negative, or zero value to every card seen and use this running total to gauge the relative house advantage. When armed with this information, you can adjust your bets accordingly.

How is it illegal to count cards?

Despite what you have heard, card counting is not illegal in the United Kingdom, USA, and many other countries. At the same time, casinos don’t appreciate it when players use this game strategy. Casinos may try to ban players who count cards conspicuously.

Card Counting System

How do I count cards?

To count cards, you’ll need to assign a value to each card and maintain a running total as cards are dealt. When you have this information, you’ll be able to calculate the true count by dividing this figure by the number of decks remaining. You’ll want to raise your bet as the true count rises and reduce it as the true count decreases. It’s also a good idea to modify your behavior so the casino doesn’t spot you counting cards.

Can I count cards at an online casino?


Counting Cards Explained

While you can try counting cards at an online casino, you probably won’t have much success. Most internet gambling sites shuffle the deck after each hand. When playing live dealer games, you’ll find that the decks are shuffled frequently. When you can’t count deep enough into the shoe, your efforts will be a waste of time.

Counting Cards Explained Words

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