Heroic Vs Vitality

Will Cadian lead the youngsters to victory? or will the french veterans dominate? set your bets, bring your popcorn and buckle up, because the ESL ONE Cologne EU Final: Heroic vs Vitality is here!

  • Based on schedule battle between Heroic – Vitality by CSGO teams within championship IEM Beijing-Haidian 2020 Europe, will take place 20 Nov 17: 30. Which team has the superior win rate? Teams Victory Rating calculated for previous 13 weeks: Vitality has 50.00% win rate, while Heroic has 40.00%.
  • Heroic is very adaptive, and it pays off early on, taking their time and getting the information from Vitality, relying on great shots from Niko and B0rup, eventually get the score to be 2-3. Vitality retaliate being even more aggressive, taking the peeks and starting the fights, winning individually as Heroic is not really fully executing a site take, get the lead 5-3.

Heroic 1-2 Team Vitality. Vitality have advanced to the semi-finals. Heroic have been eliminated.

Map 1: Mirage, Vitality on CT-Side


-Heroic fake B and try to rush out palace but get sent back after losing their duels, and get pushed down to T spawn to leave only B0rup with a big flank, but gets shot in the back. Vitality takes the first pistol.

Heroic is very adaptive, and it pays off early on, taking their time and getting the information from Vitality, relying on great shots from Niko and B0rup, eventually get the score to be 2-3.

Vitality retaliate being even more aggressive, taking the peeks and starting the fights, winning individually as Heroic is not really fully executing a site take, get the lead 5-3.

After Shox almost clutching a 1v3,the first full A execute from Heroic comes in, but the French can’t retake, and the score is tied 5-5.

Heroic is now using full-on strats, with smokes isolating Vtalitys AWPs, and right after changing the pace and holding mid control as slow as possible, taking the lead 5-9, however, Vitality holds strong at A Las round of the land for a 6-9 end.

Second Pistol

-Vitality goes A right away, Rpk with a p250 takes the site and Heroic have to retake the site. They get the first two but Heroic knifes him and defuse the bomb.

The CTs extend their lead by holding still and letting Vitality to try and find something, they don’t. The score is 6-14. Niko and B0rup keep coming on top in most fights.

Finally, the T-Side stops trying to take mid control and just rush B, with Rpk winning a 1v2 and getting them their first round on the half. However, get reset the next round. Score is 7-15 for Heroic.

The underdogs take the map next round with a great 2k from Niko. (ended the map with 119 ADR).

Map 2: Inferno, Heroic on CT-Side


-Slow A take with smokes as Cadian comes in the flank, everyone drops and Apex is left in a 1v4 but gets 2, and then fall. 1-0 for Heroic.

Niko confirms the lead with an Ace on the second round. He was left alone in pit as his teammates rotate, but he does not need them.

After trading a couple of rounds, Heroic gets back in the driving seat with Stavn pushing mid and getting a 4k. The score is 6-1.

Misutaaa starts coming alive and the Ts win three rounds at A, And another two B with Rpk getting a great 3k. Score 6-6.

Heroic Vs Vitality

Heroic is able to retake B and then holding strong at A to score another 2 rounds for them, but Vitality takes the last round on the half and the score ends up 8-7

Heroic Vs Vitality

Second Pistol

-Heroic go B fast but get destroyed. The score is tied 8-8.

A quick few of rounds, Vitality takes the lead with Zywoo coming online. Heroic need to keep their minds stable. 8-13

Heroic have been successfully taking B site but only on the 22nd round is able to hold the site. They take their first two T side rounds there, and the third with a fake and ending up on A. Score is 11-13.

The Danes keep having success at B, Vitality just can’t hold it, and now the T-Side are on the lead 15-12.

Teses wins the map after switching it up and storming A. They are 2-0 in maps.

Nuke – ESL ONE Cologne 2020 – esl.gg

Map 3: Nuke, Vitality on CT-Side


-Heroic burst into A site but Shox shuts them down with a 3k, That’s the start Vitality needed.

After convincingly winning the first four rounds, Vitality loses their first round against an A split from Heroic. Score is 4-1

After getting on the board, Heroic started stringing rounds together and gaining the lead and getting into Vitalitys’ head. Score is now 4-8.

Heroic Vs Vitality Boost

Finally, Zywoo and Rpk shut down Heroic and get their 5th round, and a 6th with Zywoo surviving in 1hp right after.

However, Heroic closes the half with a successful upper rush, half score is 6-9,

Heroic Vs Team Vitality Prediction

Second Pistol

Vitality rushes hut and gets the plant, Stavn gets two coming from the lobby, and Cadian ends up the round with another 2. They are doing it, ladies and gents.

VitalityEsl heroic vs vitality

Despite failing 3 times to take the A floor, Vitality finally succeeds ant get themselves a little breather, but a really short one, as next round Teses resets them with only a deagle. The score is 7-13.

Pre-nades come down outside since Zywoo has been taking it every round, and Niko with two swift kills get Heroic up to 14.

Great round from Cadian and Stavn on squeaky leads them to Championship round, and Vitality answer by taking outside and ramp very aggressively, and livening up a little bit.


Heroic turtles up with all 5 players watching hell, but see nothing, then move heaven together but get mowed down. Granted they had only USPs.

Heroic Vs Vitality 2020

B0rup gets 4 rushing ramp, two with a CZ and another two with a stolen AK. Shox dies seconds later and Heroic become the ESL ONE Cologne EU Champions. What a story, what a team.

Heroic – Champions of ESL ONE Cologne EU 2020 – esl.gg


3-0 against the team ranked 2nd in the world. Not only stellar performances from Niko, Stavn and B0rop, but the cohesiveness and adaptability are one of a much veteran team. What baffles me is that they can only improve with time. Zywoo and Shox came alive a couple of times, but it wasn’t enough.

We can only wait and see what the future holds for this stellar line-up.

Heroic Vs Vitality Hltv

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