Casino Etiquette

  1. Casino Etiquette
  2. Tipping At A Casino
  3. Casino Etiquette
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  5. Casino Etiquette Guide

Some rules of etiquette relate to your relationship with other players or casino personnel, while others concern your actions while playing specific games or machines. Some of the 'don'ts' associated with dealing with other people in the casino are as follows. People tend to become a bit more relaxed at casinos that are not the most prominent, but the fact of the matter is that casino etiquette is a fancy way of saying you should have nice manners, and this is always true. Basic Rules on Casino Etiquette Many people fail to realize that there are basic etiquette rules that you should abide by in a casino. The fact that you’re using money to gamble is not a free ticket to doing whatever you like.

Gambling in a casino is a new experience for a lot of people. Understanding the unwritten rules of etiquette at the various games can help you avoid angering other gamblers and the casino staff. Many of these etiquette tips are just common sense, but some of them bear mentioning.

Here’s a list of casino gambling etiquette tips to keep in mind next time you’re gambling at a casino:

General Casino Gambling Etiquette

1- Don’t do anything to slow down the game. This probably goes without saying, but you’d be amazed at some of the behavior I’ve seen from casino patrons.

2- Drink responsibly. Not all casino activities involve other people. Playing slots, for example, is a mostly solitary activity. But if you anticipate interacting with other people at all, watch how much you drink. No one enjoys dealing with a drunken boor.

3- Never hand money to a casino employee. All transactions involving cash and chips require you to lay your money on the table. This is so the casino cameras can capture everything for security purposes. It also avoids the appearance of bribery.

4- You never count your money sitting at the table. Yeah, I stole that from a Kenny Rogers song. It’s only somewhat true. It’s okay to count your chips, but don’t count your cash. It’s not safe, and it’s not polite.

5- Don’t touch your chips after you’ve placed a bet until it’s time to collect your winnings. One common way to cheat is by “past posting”. This means adding money to your bet after the winner is determined. This is not an effective strategy in a casino with modern security measures. That might not be your intention, but even if it’s not, the casino is going to assume the worst.

6- Get at least a partial understanding of the game in your head before sitting down at a crowded table. If you can find a blackjack table with no other players in the middle of the afternoon, feel free to learn how to play from that dealer. But don’t sit down at a crowded table and flounder around without understanding any of the rules.

7- Tip. Employees at a casino—the dealers, the cocktail waitresses, etc.—are service employees and should be tipped accordingly. You can find a detailed guide to tipping in a casino right here on our site.

Gambling Machine Etiquette

Most of the gambling machines in any casino are slots. But video poker and video blackjack are also popular. The same rules of etiquette apply, no matter which gambling machine you’re playing:

8- Don’t hog all the machines. Some players enjoy playing multiple machines at once. This is okay if the casino is slow. But if there are lots of players wandering around looking to play, don’t hog multiple machines. That’s just gluttonous and rude.

9- Don’t be too sociable. It’s okay to make chit chat with a slot machine player who seems open to such attention. But many gambling machine aficionados prefer the solitary nature of playing slots. They don’t want that “flow” experience interrupted by your conversation.

10- Don’t watch other players over their shoulders. It might be tempting to watch another player’s action and cheer them on—especially if you’re drunk. Don’t. It’s creepy and annoying. Trust me on this one.

11- Don’t make a lot of noise playing the machine. Some people are tempted to slap the button that spins the reels. That’s obnoxious. It’s not necessary to raise that much hell when you’re gambling. (If you win a huge jackpot, some fuss might make some sense. But do you really need to scream because you won $5?)

12- Don’t be a sourpuss, either. Yes, people should leave you alone, but this isn’t your home someone is invading, either. If someone says hi, don’t give them a hate stare.

13- Don’t give advice. No one needs you to tell them whether the machine they’re playing is a hot or cold or whatever. You don’t know, for one thing. It’s annoying, for another.

Card Game Etiquette

The etiquette for playing most casino card games doesn’t vary much from game to game. You’ll follow the same rules of conduct (more or less) at the Pai Gow Poker table as you will at the blackjack table:

14- Don’t tell other players how to play their hands. You might have someone ask you for advice, but for the most part, people don’t need or want your opinion.

15- NEVER lecture someone about how they played their hand. It’s common at blackjack tables for players to think that someone screwed up their chances of winning by making the wrong play. This isn’t mathematically correct thinking, so save your anger.

Casino Etiquette

16- Use hand signals and speak. Because of the security cameras, you’re not allowed to just tell the dealer you want to hit or stand. You have to make the appropriate hand gesture, too. The dealer can get in trouble for accommodating you if you just say how you want to play your hand, so help them out.

17- Tip your dealer. See #7 above.

18- If the cards are face up, don’t touch them. You’re only allowed to touch the cards if they’re dealt face down. This varies from table to table, but it’s usually dependent on how many decks are in use.

19- If the cards are face down, only use one hand. This is another way to make sure you’re not cheating. If you’re only using one hand, it’s impossible for you to do any funny card mechanic stuff. It’s easier for the dealer if they don’t have to correct him.

Tipping At A Casino

20- Don’t ask the dealer how to play your hand. This is a no-win situation for any dealer, and you can easily see why. If she gives you advice, you take it, and you lose, you’ll blame her. So just don’t bother her by putting her in that position.


Casino gambling etiquette involves a bit of common sense, but there’s more to it than that. Any activity or destination has specific rules of behavior. It’s easier for you to learn them in a blog post beforehand.

But you could also just show up at a casino, try to behave appropriately, and figure out the rest as you go along. Other casino patrons (and the casino employees) will be happy to correct you when you’re out of line, believe me.

Whether you are playing in your home town or you’re on the Las Vegas Strip, there are many different rules that you need to follow when playing at a land-based casino.

The proper casino etiquette is an expectation of how people should behave when in a casino environment. But not everyone is aware of all the rules, especially if they have never played at a casino before.

The main thing you need to always keep in mind is this: while you’re there to have a good time, so is everyone else.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve popped around to play a few hands of Texas Hold’em, want to try your luck playing some slots, or are in a mood to test your skills and fortune at live tables.

You must stay respectful of others at all times, including other patrons and the casino staff alike.

It’s not always easy to keep your cool at a casino, especially if you’re having a bad day, but knowing the limits will ensure a much better experience for you in the long run.

After all, casinos are much likelier to treat you well if you’re a good guest overall, not just in terms of money you leave at the tables.

One thing that you don’t have to worry about, even if it’s your first time in a live casino, is the games. If you’d played online before, you’ll have no problems finding your way around, as most games you’ll find at brick and mortar casinos are also available at some of the best live onlinecasino websites.

Beyond that, here are some of the most important do’s and don’ts of live casino gambling.

The Do’s of Casino Etiquette

If you’re planning a visit to a live casino, there are a few things that are considered common courtesy at most venues. These are some of the most important ones.

DO – Wear the appropriate attire

The proper dress code for your time at a casino really depends on the establishment you are playing at. While there are casinos with a casual dress policy, those that require formal wear will only allow you in if you have followed their dressing code.

You can avoid the inconvenience of having to go back home to change if you take some time to learn about the casino’s dress code and rules before visiting.

Even if there are no strict rules in place, you go to a casino wearing a tracksuit and flip-flops. They may let you in (don’t try with flip-flops, though), but you’ll probably stick out like a sore thumb, especially if it’s an actual casino and not just a slots joint.

DO – Be Friendly to Dealers & Other Players

You don’t have to be the Mr. Sociable while gambling, and you most certainly don’t want to annoy people who don’t want to be annoyed while playing. But you shouldn’t be rude, either, and especially towards dealers and waiting staff.

Many players develop animosity of sorts towards dealers over the years, as if somehow they are to be blamed for their losses.

The fact is, these women and men are just doing their job, and you’re wrong in thinking they love to see players lose. In most casinos, the exact opposite is true, as winning players leave tips and are, in general, easier to work with.

It’s okay to have some banter and complain a bit if you’re losing – it’s only natural, and everyone working in a casino is already accustomed to that. However, try to keep it friendly and don’t escalate things unnecessarily.

DO – Try to Understand the Rules Before You Play

Although some dealers or players might be patient enough to explain roulette or blackjack rules, it’s better to know them before sitting down to play.

When other experienced players are waiting, it’s not good casino etiquette to join a game when you don’t know the rules. Most game rules you can learn to play at home before going to a casino.

Sometimes it’s also a good idea to stand on the sidelines for a while to figure out how the game works first.

When doing this, though, make sure you keep your distance from the players, especially if you notice someone isn’t too happy about having a lurker over their shoulder. Some players will happily let you watch and even explain things to you, but if they shoot you a dirty look or ask you to move, move along or join the action.

Casino Etiquette

DO – Turn Down Ring Tones on Your Phone

You are usually allowed to carry your mobile phone into a casino, but you should turn the sound down a bit, especially if you’re planning to play table games.

Using your phone isn’t polite when playing at live tables and can distract others. Noise from mobile phone ringtones can affect concentration levels and cause others to make errors and ruin the game.

Some casinos may even ask you to turn your mobile off to ensure no distractions, although this is quite uncommon.

Casino Etiquette Don’ts

Unlike things you’re supposed to do in a casino, things you shouldn’t do are much more serious, and not sticking to these guidelines could get you in trouble and even lead to a ban.

DON’T – Have bad table manners

If you are at a table to observe or support a friend, don’t sit at the table because the seats are for players only. You can stay behind the table and wait until you are ready to play.

If you are in a game, it’s also important to only touch your own cards and never anyone else’s or the dealer’s deck.

Once chips are in play, they also shouldn’t be touched. When bets are in, you cannot change your mind at the last minute as you could be accused of cheating.

Most venues will give you a pass if this happens once or twice, and it’s clear that you’re a new player. But repeated offenses of this type, especially in regards to messing with other people’s cards and chips, can be a reason for a ban.

DON’T – Chase Your Losses

Casino Etiquette

Whether you are gambling at a land-based casino or online, it’s important to always gamble responsibly. A part of gambling responsibly involves only betting what you can afford and knowing when it’s time to stop.

Set yourself a money limit and walk away if you are having some bad luck at the tables.

If you need some help to control your gambling, the Gambling Commission has a list of useful organizations and services available in the UK and worldwide.

DON’T – Interrupt the Dealer or Other Players

You can ask the dealer a question or two, but don’t use them as your instructor. Constantly talking to the dealer can affect the concentration of other players and may affect their decisions.

It’s important to be mindful and respectful of other players at the table, so having discussions in the middle of the play is usually a big no as well.

Many players will be busy concentrating on their next move. It’s also crucial to never discuss hands or strategy when playing, especially with strangers who probably don’t care for your advice in the heat of the moment.

Casino Etiquette Reddit

DON’T – Ask for Money From or Give Money to Strangers

While this isn’t something most people would do, it’s not uncommon to have someone walk up to you in a casino and ask to “borrow” some money from you.

This may give you a feeling that this is acceptable behavior in a casino setting, but don’t be fooled.

Casinos don’t condone this, and they’ll frequently ban players who make it a habit of asking strangers for money.

Casino Etiquette Guide

In line with this, don’t give any money to gamblers who come up to you to ask you for a “small loan” right after they saw you win big. They’ll make up stories and come up with all sorts of promises, but once you give them money, consider it gone. You’ll never hear from them again.

Now that you know a bit more about casino etiquette, perhaps you’d be interested in learning the rules of Ultimate Texas Hold’em, one of the most popular house-banked poker variations around.